Steelcalc Version 7 - access Design Codes Failure Temperatures!
What's new in Steelcalc Version 7
Responding to changes in the specifications of different Failure Temperatures recently in the UK, the all new Steelcalc 7 is released!
This is being made available to you, to provide a truly comprehensive package. This now covers both Eurocode and BS5950 designs in Yellow Book 5, along with ASFP Advisory Note N312. Our software, has been designed to handle a future simplified approach planned for 2021 and Yellow Book 6.
There are now two tables of Failure Temperatures in YB5 – Table 16 (Eurocodes – EN1993 & 1994) and Table 17 (BS5950). The choices are based upon building occupancy with steel type and orientation.
Apart from long-standing projects to BS476 in the UK, all new contracts have to meet one or other of these Design Codes. If this is not known, then the Defaults must be selected.
The DFT’s are calculated on the industry standard ‘straight line’ interpolation, between DFT’s at 50ºC intervals, as issued in Product Assessments or Certificates.
You will be able to:
You should:
BS476-21 Users
After you update your system to Steelcalc Version 7 and start Steelcalc running you will have available to you two different Test Data system options.
You will need to select which Test Data system you require by simply clicking on the required system. When selected Steelcalc will switch to the required Test Data System. Once loaded you can start to use the new data.
Note : You cannot open a BS476-21 project if you have Eurocode and BS5950 selected or the other way around. Steelcalc will prompt you to change systems.
Creating a new Steelcalc Project
At the time of a new Project creation you will see a list of the available Tables and Building Types. Please select the one required. You are able to reformat your complete Project to another Table and Building Type after the creation if a change has been made.
Changes to Steelcalc Version 7
Full details of all the changes and how to use them are available in the Steelcalc version 7 help file. So once installed please take the time to read the What's changed in Steelcalc section.